These resoruces will be helpful in developing your skills or accessing support materials and content:
Design Process Scaffold You will need to submit a completed scaffold for every design project you do.
Creative Commons access copyright approved images, video and audio
Ultimate directory of free image sources
How to, Tips & Tutorials
Access free Windows, Microsoft Office and Adobe Software as NSWDEC Students
Bring your own device information & guides
CSS, HTML & HTML5 code examples and tutorials
HTML5 Canvas & Javascript code examples and tutorials
GitHub, how to use GITHUB and GIT Cheat sheet
- The CLI works through the proxy at school:
git config --global http.proxy http://username:[email protected]:8080
git config --global https.proxy https://username:[email protected]:8080
- To remove proxy for home access:
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy
IE10 F12 Developer Tools (HTML, CSS & JavaScript debugging support tools)
Setting up Blender for real world dimensions
How to pin applications to the task bar for quick access
How to use the snip tool for screen shots (this should be pinned to your task bar)
NSWDEC Web Accessability Tool Kit
Google Classroom support resources
Online Tools
eBackpack for file sharing and backing up
Aspect ratio resizing calculator
NetFabb Cloud Service 3D object repair
Application Installers
Install Chrome
Install Internet Explorer 11
Install Firefox
Install Safari
Install Blender
Install Google Sketchup Make
Install MakerBot Desktop (slicing software)
Install Opera
Install Notepad ++
Acrobat X Flash plug-in for browsers to play embded multimedia
Google Sketchup *.STL Import/Export plug-in
Custom Systems, periferals and components can be purchaed from ARC & mwave
Raspbrry Pi and Audrino components can be purchased from Element14
Laptop repairs can be done by LFO
Recommended mouse for Graphics Students: Logitech M905